Monday, January 30, 2012


It is hard to know what or whom to believe in these days of pre-presidential election politics. Our trust of our governmental leaders is consistently eroded by the ‘spin’ that seems to be put on virtually every bit of information that comes out. The debates are frustrating because the personal lives, values and leadership records of the candidates are filled with accusations and denials. But, this practice is not unique to the Washington political climate.

According to Robert Feldman, a psychology professor at the University of Massachusetts, ‘we’ lie all the time. His independent research reveals that, in videotaped conversations between students and strangers, they told three lies every 10 minutes.

According to Reader’s Digest:

- 64 percent called in sick to work when not ill
- 65 percent take office supplies to use at home
- 18 percent lie on resumes
- 50 percent of those who get too much change, keep it
- 13 percent have shifted blame to a coworker
- 71 percent lie when they compliment another’s appearance
- 32 percent lie to their spouses
- 37 percent illegally download music from the Internet

In a world contaminated by lies, we are called to ‘let our yes be yes and our no be no.’ Jesus’ teaching is clear. No deception. No misleading. No exaggeration. No lying. Jesus is the embodiment of truth and the wisdom of Proverbs 12:22 declares, “The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.”

Pray with me…. “Father, the world in which you intended for us to live is a world of truth. But, we can only totally control our own devotion to ‘speak the truth in love’ in any and all circumstances every day of our lives. And so, we begin again today to honor you and do your will in this way. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Pastor Ken

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


His name was Alfred…. He dropped the newspaper and put his head in his hands. He had just read his own obituary. The year was 1888 and he was a Swedish chemist who had made his fortune inventing and producing dynamite and nitroglycerin. His brother, Ludwig, had died in France, but the obituary in the paper was not his brother’s – it was his. Here is what the headline said: “The Merchant of Death is Dead.” The article went on to describe the fact that his life’s work had been getting rich by helping greater and greater numbers of people kill each other.

Alfred was stunned to think that above all his other accomplishments he would be forever remembered as the man who gave the world its most destructive weapons. Shaken by what he read, Alfred had a moment of truth. He decided he would make a major life-change at the age of 55. He decided to start over and use his wealth to leave a different kind of legacy. Eight years later, when he died, he left more than $9,000,000 [many more millions in today’s currency] to annually fund awards for people whose life work benefited humanity. Recipients include Theodore Roosevelt, Albert Schweitzer, Martin Luther King Jr. and Henry Kissinger. So today when we hear the name Alfred Nobel, we no longer think of dynamite, we think of peace.

So if you could read your obituary, how would the headline read? Would you make a major change today to insure that you are remembered in a way that will honor God and result in His kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven?

Pray with me…. Our Father in Heaven…. For most of us, our greatest legacy will probably not be a monetary fund in our name. But, it could be something far greater…. The influence we can have for Christ on another person. Convict us that it is never to late to make a change and invest in the unseen things, which are the things that matter most. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Pastor Ken

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Mark Moore is one of our favorite guest preachers at Crossroads. He is a dedicated Christian leader who seems to have a lot of colorful experiences in his wide exposure….

Mark was preaching on New Year’s Day at The Crossing in Las Vegas. He spoke that morning from Psalm 33 about “A New Song” - an encouraging message that, no matter your past, God can give you a new song - a new start. After the service, a man named Miguel wanted to share his story with Mark. 2011 had not been a good year for him: bad choices, dark despair, lost hope. It had been so bad, that Miguel didn’t want to face 2012.

He had decided to take his life that very Sunday morning, January 1. His gun was loaded and in his hand; but before he pulled the trigger, he had an overwhelming feeling that he should go to church. He walked in the doors of The Crossing that New Year’s Day, and as Mark preached, the powerful truth of God’s Word did what it always does. It found its way past all of Miguel’s defenses, penetrated his heart, and burst forth inside him with the light, life, and hope that are found in Christ. He came forward at the end of the service that morning, ready for a fresh start. Miguel reached into his pocket and pulled out a bullet. “I guess I won’t be needing this. Not really sure what I should do with it.” Mark spoke up quickly, “I’ll take it.” And he did. Then he prayed with Miguel, embraced him and left him in the good care of the church.

Now Mark has a bullet on his desk as a reminder of this truth: God’s Word changes lives! In Isaiah 55,“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish . . . so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Pray with me…. Our Father, the greatest resource for a personal makeover is your Word. Pop psychology, cosmetic surgery and self-help programs are superficial and fall so far short of the inner transformation that is the results of an embrace of your grace. How many stories are out there like Miguel’s…. You have rescued innumerable souls with your love and salvation. May we never forget our own story about who we would have been had it not been for Jesus. In His strong name, amen.

Pastor Ken

Monday, January 16, 2012


Last week I read an article in USA TODAY that 'tripped my trigger.' I was preparing to write a response when I received this piece from my former mentee and long time friend, Barry Cameron. He and I were thinking alike, but he said it first.... I would have written it myself. Pastor Ken


In an article entitled, God, religion, atheism ‘So what?’ – That’s what many say, USA TODAY columnist, Cathy Lynn Grossman addressed a growing number of people in our society who look at all things spiritual and say: “So what?” She pointed out a number of statistics that reveal just how widespread this problem has become:

Researchers have begun asking the kind of nuanced questions that reveal just how big the So What set might be:

• 44% told the 2011 Baylor University Religion Survey they spend no time seeking "eternal wisdom," and 19% said "it's useless to search for meaning."
• 46% told a 2011 survey by Nashville-based evangelical research agency, LifeWay Research, they never wonder whether they will go to heaven.
• 28% told LifeWay "it's not a major priority in my life to find my deeper purpose." And 18% scoffed at the idea that God has a purpose or plan for everyone.
• 6.3% of Americans turned up on Pew Forum's 2007 Religious Landscape Survey as totally secular — unconnected to God or a higher power or any religious identity and willing to say religion is not important in their lives.

Grossman continued, “When church historian Diana Butler Bass researched her upcoming book, Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening, she found the So Whats are ‘a growing category.’

Says Bass, ‘We can't underestimate the power of the collapse of institutional religion in the first 10 years of this century. It's freed so many people to say they don't really care. They don't miss rituals or traditions they may never have had anyway.’

‘For them, the Almighty is off the radar, like some tiny foreign country they know exists but never think about.’”

With all due respect to Ms. Bass, I don’t think “the collapse of institutional religion in the first 10 years of this century,” is the real “power” behind this issue. It may be a contributing factor. However, I believe there are at least two other issues that have had an even greater impact: (1) A serious lack of Bible preaching and (2) A serious lack of Bible living.

Since I’m a preacher, let me address the preaching issue first. For the past 20-25 years, in many churches, including evangelical ones, there’s been a move away from Bible preaching to almost anything but. In many churches, preachers don’t preach “sermons” anymore. Instead they give “talks” or “monologues.” Or the weekend services are devoted to a Jimmy Kimmel-style interview of the latest and greatest “celebrities” they can afford. Which, in turn, draws bigger crowds. They are also careful to avoid any mention of sin or its consequences, and there is little or no mention of being held accountable or of a coming judgment and that keeps people coming back for more. But more of what? Whenever we preach a “whatever” gospel or a watered down gospel why be surprised when the response is, “So what?”

The second issue goes hand in hand with the first. When we fail to preach the Word of God how can we complain when the people who come to our churches fail to live the Word of God. All they are doing is “practicing what we’ve been preaching.” (Read that line again.)

Cathy Crossman concluded her article in USA TODAY with the words of a man that serve as a stinging indictment. He’s not a preacher but his words comprise a powerful sermon the church needs to hear:

“I try to live my life and do the best I can. I figure if I do good, good things will happen. I'm not at all worried about the afterlife. How could they turn me down when people do whatever they want during the week. They go to church all the time then they come home and they gamble, they party, they use God's name in vain.”

“So either it will be like a switch turned off and it's done or, if there is a heaven, I'm going have to do some talking to get up there.”

Until then, every week, he faithfully drives to a Catholic church where, he says, “I drop off my mother-in-law, get back in the car and drive home.”

© 2012. Barry L. Cameron

Quotes from: USA TODAY, Tuesday, January 3, 2012. “God, religion, atheism ‘So what?’ That’s what many say,” by Cathy Lynn Grossman. (Nation section, page 9A)