The man who has been called the greatest Christian of all time surely had the greatest conversion of all time. Saul was a militant Pharisee, a merciless persecutor of Christ-followers when the church of Jesus was just in its infancy. He rounded up young Christian leaders, like Stephen, to inflict capital punishment. He employed armed mercenaries to pull people out of the security of their own homes, under threat of death, to insist they renounce their faith in Jesus Christ. He made widowers out of husbands and widows out of wives. He made orphans out of children… and he did it without apparent conscience.
But on the Damascus Road, as he was laying the groundwork for his next assault, he was struck down by a blinding light… and a voice, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” His response was instant brokenness, “Who are you, LORD?” From there he had three days of blindness and solitude. The risen Jesus gave Saul time to reflect, to think deeply and ponder his future. Then He sent a messenger, Ananias, who placed his hands on Saul… immediately the scales fell from his eyes and he could see things clearly for the first time in his life. He got up and was baptized. And he changed! He became Paul. God chose the greatest persecutor of the church to become the greatest proclaimer of the Christ and the greatest planter of the church. I love to see these kinds of changes, and speaking personally, I want to be submitted to the Holy Spirit so I can be in a state of perpetual change… more conformed to the likeness of Jesus with the passing of time.
Pray with me… Jesus, we are so thankful that you never change. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. But, thank you for changing us, by your Spirit, as we yield to His power and presence in our lives… conforming us to greater Christlikeness with the passing of time. In the Name of Jesus, amen.
Pastor Ken
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Monday, April 18, 2016
Dear Crossroads Church Family,
There is a tender scene in the book of Acts, chapter 20, that always warms my heart when I read it. The text describes a meeting that happened on a beach just outside the ancient city of Miletus in Greece. The apostle Paul had just sailed past Ephesus where he had earlier spent three years in a located ministry. He was in a hurry to get to Jerusalem, if possible, by the day of Pentecost. But, when he reached Miletus, it is as though he had second thoughts about not having taken the time to reconnect relationally with the elders of the church in Ephesus. Paul was not sure he would be returning from Jerusalem alive. He thought it could be his last chance to say a final good-bye to these brothers into whom he had poured his life… teaching and mentoring… so, he sent for them. It is about a thirty-five mile hike from Ephesus to Miletus! It was probably two days journey and one or two overnights on the road. Yet these church leaders took the time, went to the expense, expended the effort and made the trip. And so here in Acts 20 was this band of brothers gathered together on the beach, relating at the deepest level… as they talked and laughed, told stories and cried… as they relived the conversions, the changed lives, the saved souls, the lessons learned and the leaders raised up in the church of Jesus that they loved.
This touching scene is similar to the one that Kaylene and I will be living out in the weeks ahead as we journey down the path God has marked out for us. In doing so, we will have to say a temporary good bye to people we have come to love deeply. The emotion of it feels a little like the experience of giving our daughters in marriage! You feel positive anticipation about the future, but it’s hard to think about entering a new life passage when you loved the previous one so much!
But after 50 years in ministry leadership, it is time for us to contribute to the Lord’s purpose and work in a new and different way. By residing in Louisville, we will be able to continue to invest in both serving and serving the Lord with our adult children and grandchildren from a location in closer proximity to them. After a short break, I will be serving churches in a consultant role, preaching in local churches and coaching/mentoring Christian leaders. Be sure of this: We intend to maintain our Crossroads connections in the years ahead!
Our Crossroads years have been truly amazing. But, as good as the past decade has been… God is going before us, and before Crossroads, to give new vision, to raise up new leadership, to do new things in new and exciting ways. You cannot possibly know how deeply grateful we are for the way you have accepted and loved us, and the fact you have consistently honored us as your servants for Jesus’ sake. My only request is that you press on wholeheartedly as you continue to unite to take higher ground for God’s kingdom. I [joyfully, but reluctantly] am relinquishing my chief shepherd leadership responsibilities to a truly exceptional young leader in Pastor Patrick Garcia… as well as an exceptional pastoral team and a much loved and deeply respected eldership.
Please remember: I will be preaching and serving at Crossroads until the weekend of May 20-22. We are praying for these next five weeks to pass slowly!
In Christian love,
Ken Idleman
Crossroads Senior Pastor
There is a tender scene in the book of Acts, chapter 20, that always warms my heart when I read it. The text describes a meeting that happened on a beach just outside the ancient city of Miletus in Greece. The apostle Paul had just sailed past Ephesus where he had earlier spent three years in a located ministry. He was in a hurry to get to Jerusalem, if possible, by the day of Pentecost. But, when he reached Miletus, it is as though he had second thoughts about not having taken the time to reconnect relationally with the elders of the church in Ephesus. Paul was not sure he would be returning from Jerusalem alive. He thought it could be his last chance to say a final good-bye to these brothers into whom he had poured his life… teaching and mentoring… so, he sent for them. It is about a thirty-five mile hike from Ephesus to Miletus! It was probably two days journey and one or two overnights on the road. Yet these church leaders took the time, went to the expense, expended the effort and made the trip. And so here in Acts 20 was this band of brothers gathered together on the beach, relating at the deepest level… as they talked and laughed, told stories and cried… as they relived the conversions, the changed lives, the saved souls, the lessons learned and the leaders raised up in the church of Jesus that they loved.
This touching scene is similar to the one that Kaylene and I will be living out in the weeks ahead as we journey down the path God has marked out for us. In doing so, we will have to say a temporary good bye to people we have come to love deeply. The emotion of it feels a little like the experience of giving our daughters in marriage! You feel positive anticipation about the future, but it’s hard to think about entering a new life passage when you loved the previous one so much!
But after 50 years in ministry leadership, it is time for us to contribute to the Lord’s purpose and work in a new and different way. By residing in Louisville, we will be able to continue to invest in both serving and serving the Lord with our adult children and grandchildren from a location in closer proximity to them. After a short break, I will be serving churches in a consultant role, preaching in local churches and coaching/mentoring Christian leaders. Be sure of this: We intend to maintain our Crossroads connections in the years ahead!
Our Crossroads years have been truly amazing. But, as good as the past decade has been… God is going before us, and before Crossroads, to give new vision, to raise up new leadership, to do new things in new and exciting ways. You cannot possibly know how deeply grateful we are for the way you have accepted and loved us, and the fact you have consistently honored us as your servants for Jesus’ sake. My only request is that you press on wholeheartedly as you continue to unite to take higher ground for God’s kingdom. I [joyfully, but reluctantly] am relinquishing my chief shepherd leadership responsibilities to a truly exceptional young leader in Pastor Patrick Garcia… as well as an exceptional pastoral team and a much loved and deeply respected eldership.
Please remember: I will be preaching and serving at Crossroads until the weekend of May 20-22. We are praying for these next five weeks to pass slowly!
In Christian love,
Ken Idleman
Crossroads Senior Pastor
Monday, April 11, 2016
Does God Still Speak?
Alan Ahlgrim
God speaks to me...every day! Sometimes He speaks a word of conviction. Sometimes He speaks a word of encouragement. Sometimes He speaks a word of direction. Daily I hear God, usually through the Bible, but often in my spirit. Saint Ignatius called it: “Movements of the soul – thoughts, feelings or desires...given to us by God.”God has never spoken to me audibly...yet! However, many have trusted me with their stories of hearing clear words that changed their lives. Here’s just a sampling of what I’ve been told by people who have heard the audible voice of God in a time of crisis.
- “I did give you only one life. I gave you eternal life.”
- “You will have a son, David, who will ease your pain.”
- “You are in my hands now. You will make it through this just fine. You will serve me. You will find out where. I have spoken.”
- “Why do you not trust that I will take care of you?”
- “You’re going to be fine.”
- “Thank you my daughter for coming to me in your hour of need. Your loved one is in Paradise this day. Rejoice and be glad.”
- “Never be ashamed to tell someone you’re going to be a minister!”
- “Enough is enough – if you don’t stop this I’m going to remove my hand of protection and something bad is going to happen.”
Each person I’m quoting was convinced they had heard the audible voice of God. Because I know them and trust them, I believe them. One woman in crisis over the criminal behavior of her husband, heard these exact words. “Tell (him) that if he does this…he will not be okay but you will.” She was fretting and praying while doing dishes in her kitchen and she said, “It was like a megaphone in my ears..."
In his book, The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis wrote: “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.”
Someone once wrote me to say, “So, my friend, I wouldn’t worry that you haven’t heard the audible voice of God. There are those of us with whom He must shout to be heard. Your heart and your spirit are so tuned to him, that you hear His slightest whisper.” I don’t know if that is true. What I do know is that daily I seek to hear from God.
Here’s how I believe God speaks to me:
- Through a quiet reading of His Word.
- Through a clustering of events, comments and circumstances that resonate in my spirit.
- Through a voice box strikingly similar to my wife’s!
Some think it’s dangerous to think God will speak personally – I think it’s most dangerous not to! So, what sort of word have you heard from God lately? I believe God is speaking to all of us all the time. While few can quote an audible word, every child of God is privileged to hear His voice.
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me…they will listen to my voice.” (John 10:14-16)
“…Listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors waiting at my doorway.” (Proverbs 8:32-34)
What if you began every day assuming that God is still speaking?
Grace and Peace,
Alan Ahlgrim
Director of Pastor Care
Blessing Ranch Ministries
Monday, April 4, 2016
Many in our church family have been interceding in prayer for Pastor Patrick Garcia’s father, Dr. Dan Garcia. The article from the Southeast Outlook on March 24 tells the inspiring story of Patrick’s father and the great news about the outcome of his recent heart transplantation surgery. It is an incredible testimony of answered prayer.
We ‘rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.’ [Romans 12:15] KI
Easter is a time when Christians celebrate the promise of new life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The message of new life was never clearer to anyone than it is to the Garcia family. On Jan. 24, after 5 ½ years of waiting, Dr. Dan Garcia, 68, received a heart transplant and a new lease on life.
In a recent sermon, Garcia’s son Patrick, a pastor at Crossroads Christian Church in Newburgh, Indiana, summarized his father’s journey.
“For my dad to live, somebody had to die. He now has a second chance at life, but it’s come at a really costly price. The Bible tells us everyone is in need of a transplant. Not necessarily a physical one, but a spiritual one … The solution to our deepest, greatest need won’t come through making more money, having a greater intellect, moving up the corporate ladder or even electing the right candidate in November. No, if our brokenness is our biggest issue, then our greatest need is to be forgiven, redeemed and restored. Only Jesus can offer that.”
A long journey
Five-and-a-half years is a long time to wait for a new heart—especially when Dr. Dan Garcia had already been rejected by two transplant programs, suffered health scares and watched his life expectancy shorten.
Rather than letting his struggle with heart disease dictate his life, he used those years learning how to trust God.
“As a Christian, you never lose,” Dr. Dan told everybody who asked him about his health and offered prayer.
Constant exposure to germs forced the physician to switch specialties from pediatrics to allergy/immunology, but he continued to try to live other facets of his life as usual. He and his wife Rita continued to meet with their small group at Southeast Christian Church, attend weekly worship services, enjoy time with grandchildren and encourage mission ministry in Alamar, Cuba, a mission field he helped open in the 1990s.
In 2010, doctors propped up Dr. Dan’s failing heart with a ventricular assist device that would help pump blood until a donor heart was found. But the temporary fix became more permanent as one year turned into two, then four, then five.
Daniel Garcia, Dr. Dan and Rita’s oldest son, said it was hard to see his dad tired all the time.
“Dad was always optimistic even though he was hooked up to batteries, wires and tubes,” he said. “We watched him struggle for so many years.”
A dire situation
On Jan. 7, the transplant team at the University of Louisville told Dan he no longer was healthy enough for transplant surgery and suggested living as long as possible with the ventricular assist device. He already had been turned down as a candidate for a heart transplant at Vanderbilt University.
None of it was good news. Dr. Dan’s feet were swollen from poor circulation, and they were constantly cold. He often was tired and breathless.
Tests showed his heart was pumping at just 8 to 15 percent of the normal rate.
The Garcias were still processing being rejected by U of L for a heart transplant when a friend encouraged them to go to the University of Kentucky for an evaluation.
They had little hope he would be accepted when they finally made the appointment in Lexington.
“All through this journey, when I’d get discouraged, the Lord would put someone in my path to cheer me up,” Dr. Dan said. “A year ago, I met a patient who had a heart transplant 23 years ago, is still working and playing golf three times a week. Then, when it seemed other doors closed, the friend of a patient encouraged me to talk with the team at the University of Kentucky.”
In the end, there were no choices.
That, says Rita, is additional evidence of God’s leading.
New hope
Dr. Dan was at the University of Kentucky getting a routine checkup on his ventricular assist device when the technician found fractured wires in the electrical system.
The device could not be fixed, and it was determined that he would need surgery to have it replaced. He was sent home with a special lead wire so the device would not short out. Meanwhile, his name was moved up the heart transplant list.
The phone call for which the Garcia family had waited and prayed came eight days later. A heart had been donated and was being prepared for Dr. Dan.
He came through the surgery without complication. In the surgical waiting room, the doctor told the family, “Your dad doesn’t have a bad heart anymore. He no longer has heart disease!”
Dr. Dan walked down the hall on Day 3. He left the hospital on Day 17.
His family rejoiced over a remarkable recovery.
“We are melting with praise to the One who provides the way to cross from death to life,” said Dr. Dan and Rita’s daughter, Mary Julia Kiser. “We celebrate Him and continue to be struck by the power of prayer, the generous gift of life and the awesome greatness of our God.”
Dr. Dan joked that his only worry now is catching a virus from his computer.
He is walking, driving and looking forward to getting back to work. Though he cannot go on an international mission trip for at least a year, he longs to return to Cuba to visit with so many in the Alamar Church who have prayed for him.
We ‘rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.’ [Romans 12:15] KI
Easter is a time when Christians celebrate the promise of new life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The message of new life was never clearer to anyone than it is to the Garcia family. On Jan. 24, after 5 ½ years of waiting, Dr. Dan Garcia, 68, received a heart transplant and a new lease on life.
In a recent sermon, Garcia’s son Patrick, a pastor at Crossroads Christian Church in Newburgh, Indiana, summarized his father’s journey.
“For my dad to live, somebody had to die. He now has a second chance at life, but it’s come at a really costly price. The Bible tells us everyone is in need of a transplant. Not necessarily a physical one, but a spiritual one … The solution to our deepest, greatest need won’t come through making more money, having a greater intellect, moving up the corporate ladder or even electing the right candidate in November. No, if our brokenness is our biggest issue, then our greatest need is to be forgiven, redeemed and restored. Only Jesus can offer that.”
A long journey
Five-and-a-half years is a long time to wait for a new heart—especially when Dr. Dan Garcia had already been rejected by two transplant programs, suffered health scares and watched his life expectancy shorten.
Rather than letting his struggle with heart disease dictate his life, he used those years learning how to trust God.
“As a Christian, you never lose,” Dr. Dan told everybody who asked him about his health and offered prayer.
Constant exposure to germs forced the physician to switch specialties from pediatrics to allergy/immunology, but he continued to try to live other facets of his life as usual. He and his wife Rita continued to meet with their small group at Southeast Christian Church, attend weekly worship services, enjoy time with grandchildren and encourage mission ministry in Alamar, Cuba, a mission field he helped open in the 1990s.
In 2010, doctors propped up Dr. Dan’s failing heart with a ventricular assist device that would help pump blood until a donor heart was found. But the temporary fix became more permanent as one year turned into two, then four, then five.
Daniel Garcia, Dr. Dan and Rita’s oldest son, said it was hard to see his dad tired all the time.
“Dad was always optimistic even though he was hooked up to batteries, wires and tubes,” he said. “We watched him struggle for so many years.”
A dire situation
On Jan. 7, the transplant team at the University of Louisville told Dan he no longer was healthy enough for transplant surgery and suggested living as long as possible with the ventricular assist device. He already had been turned down as a candidate for a heart transplant at Vanderbilt University.
None of it was good news. Dr. Dan’s feet were swollen from poor circulation, and they were constantly cold. He often was tired and breathless.
Tests showed his heart was pumping at just 8 to 15 percent of the normal rate.
The Garcias were still processing being rejected by U of L for a heart transplant when a friend encouraged them to go to the University of Kentucky for an evaluation.
They had little hope he would be accepted when they finally made the appointment in Lexington.
“All through this journey, when I’d get discouraged, the Lord would put someone in my path to cheer me up,” Dr. Dan said. “A year ago, I met a patient who had a heart transplant 23 years ago, is still working and playing golf three times a week. Then, when it seemed other doors closed, the friend of a patient encouraged me to talk with the team at the University of Kentucky.”
In the end, there were no choices.
That, says Rita, is additional evidence of God’s leading.
New hope
Dr. Dan was at the University of Kentucky getting a routine checkup on his ventricular assist device when the technician found fractured wires in the electrical system.
The device could not be fixed, and it was determined that he would need surgery to have it replaced. He was sent home with a special lead wire so the device would not short out. Meanwhile, his name was moved up the heart transplant list.
The phone call for which the Garcia family had waited and prayed came eight days later. A heart had been donated and was being prepared for Dr. Dan.
He came through the surgery without complication. In the surgical waiting room, the doctor told the family, “Your dad doesn’t have a bad heart anymore. He no longer has heart disease!”
Dr. Dan walked down the hall on Day 3. He left the hospital on Day 17.
His family rejoiced over a remarkable recovery.
“We are melting with praise to the One who provides the way to cross from death to life,” said Dr. Dan and Rita’s daughter, Mary Julia Kiser. “We celebrate Him and continue to be struck by the power of prayer, the generous gift of life and the awesome greatness of our God.”
Dr. Dan joked that his only worry now is catching a virus from his computer.
He is walking, driving and looking forward to getting back to work. Though he cannot go on an international mission trip for at least a year, he longs to return to Cuba to visit with so many in the Alamar Church who have prayed for him.
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