Monday, December 24, 2012


During the Christmas holidays it is traditional for families to gather together.  But, although it is traditional, that does not necessarily make it 100% positive and pleasant.  Some family relationships can be strained for various reasons.  There may be offenses of the past or aggravations in the present or anxieties about the future that have to be navigated relationally.  For Christ-followers, we have a deeper motivation and extra empowerment for relating to anyone and everyone… especially those to whom we are related:

Romans 15:7, “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”  Acceptance is vital to loving others.  We tend to want to change people first, but, in fact, our best pathway to seeing change happening in others is for us to begin accepting them, valuing them.  In other words, the initiation of an attitude change in us triggers changes in the way they respond and relate to us.  When others feel our acceptance, when they feel valued, it will result in a different chemistry.  Remember this when you are around that neglectful adult child, that critical mother, that controlling father, that annoying brother-in-law, that unresponsive son-in-law over the holidays.

Pray with me…  Father in heaven, thank you for accepting us and receiving us and adopting us into your forever family.  And thank you for the indwelling Holy Spirit that is at work in us, as we yield to His power, to conform us into the likeness of the one perfect person who was born at Christmas and lives evermore.  In His dear name, amen.

Pastor Ken

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