years ago, Brenda Heist dropped off her young kids at school—drove off and
never returned. The family thought
she was dead. Surely something
dreadful had happened to her. What
else could explain the sudden disappearance of a woman whom her daughter, then
8, described as a ‘great’ mom. But
last week, after more than a decade, Heist turned up in Florida, revealing to
police that she had not been kidnapped.
She had, she said, been stressed…
mothers are familiar with the feeling—for some it’s more fleeting than for
others—total exhaustion, frustration, a sense of being overwhelmed by duty and
the responsibility of raising children.
Some actually run away and some only indulge in a momentary fantasy of
running away. It is a fact that
the number of those who are running away is increasing. According to the U.S. Census Bureau,
the number of single fathers is up from 600,000 in 1982 to over 2 million in
2011. There are even support
groups now for women who decide to leave their children. So what is happening to motherhood in
our generation? There is more to
say about this than I have time or space today, but I do have a couple of
1] The narcissism epidemic
is a contributing factor to walk out moms.
The culture encourages feelings of entitlement. There is decreased commitment to the values of duty, self-denial and
self-sacrifice today. These are
requirements of parenthood in general and motherhood in specific. If a mother subscribes to the ‘take
care of ‘numero uno,’’ ‘be true to yourself’ and ‘never compromise your needs’
mentality, she will keep the option of abandonment open. Titus
2:3-5, “Teach the older women to… train the younger women to love their
husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to
be kind… So that no one will malign the word of God.” There is little room for narcissism [self-worship] in
this charge to homemakers.
2] Husbands/dads aren’t
stepping up at home. The rise of working women,
imposed in part by the economy, is not making much difference in the load moms
are expected to carry at home.
There is an imbalance of responsibility. Men need to realize that their passivity at home is
contributing to their wives having to manage elevated levels of stress. Guys, make this Mother’s Day a new
beginning in caring for your wife and the mother of your children in practical
ways. I Peter 3:7, “Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with
your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with
you of the gracious gift of life, so nothing will hinder your prayers.” Someone has said that the
discouraged sighs of an over-burdened, under-appreciated wife/mother will come
before a man and his God. So men,
let’s refocus!
Pray with me… “Dear God and
Father, once again in this week before Mother’s Day, we are impressed with the
wisdom of your Word to bring us back to a place of self-discipline and a place
of self-sacrifice as we seek to honor you by conforming our family life to your
eternal truth. The family is a
reality because of your creation and design. You know what makes it bless and what enriches us from the
inside out. We submit to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Pastor Ken