Aaron was an eleven-year-old boy whose behavior was described by Dr. William Glasser, his psychiatrist, as ‘horrible.’ In his book, Reality Therapy, Glasser says Aaron was the most obnoxious child he had ever met. The boy would kick, scream, run away and hide, become withdrawn, disrupt his classes and generally make everyone miserable. Dr. Glasser saw something obvious that no one else had observed. No one had ever told him that he was doing wrong! No one had ever set limits on what he could and could not do. The psychiatrist decided to try a completely new tack. The boy would have to behave, to act reasonable, or be punished. He became courteous, well behaved and his grades went up. For the first time, Aaron began to play constructively with other children. Dr. Glasser calls this ‘reality therapy’ and says one of an individual’s greatest needs is to be made to realize that he is personally responsible for what he does… and that right behavior is more personally gratifying and beneficial than wrong behavior.
There are several examples in Scripture of people who needed reality therapy. These people needed someone to come along and kick their ‘rear end,’ but there was no one.
Samson – Where was his dad or a friend who would stand up and tell him he was out of line and out of control… some one who would confront him about his disregard for his Nazarite vow and the immoral lifestyle he lived?
Absalom – Where was the person who would impress on him the consequences of his rebellious spirit and talk straight to him about his disrespect for his father?
Jonah – Where was the man or woman who could help him realign his compassion and ‘get in his face’ about running from God?
Woman at the well – Where was the woman-friend who would say, ‘Honey, you need to learn about self-control and self-respect!’?… You need relationship counseling!
Pray with me… Father God, I pray today for a spirit of humility when confronted by others when I need it and I pray for the courage to confront in love those who are on a self-destructive path. And thank you for the promise in Your Word that, ‘whoever brings back a sinner from the error of his ways will save his soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.’ In Jesus’ name… amen.
Pastor Ken
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