In 1929, the Berlin Municipal Council recognized Dr. Albert Einstein’s 50th birthday by awarding him a country villa with a lake view. But on visiting the house, his wife found it was already occupied and the occupants unwilling to move. An embarrassed Council discovered it had given the previous inhabitants an ‘inalienable’ lease. That is, the property could not be sold, surrendered or transferred to anyone else.
To compensate, the Council presented Einstein a nearby acreage without a house. AFTER he accepted, it was discovered that adjoining properties had been leased with the stipulation that no further building permits would be allowed in the vicinity. Oops!
In desperation, the Council granted Einstein a third plot – only to discover AFTER publicly announcing the bequest that they didn’t own it and therefore could not donate it. [Einstein finally purchased other property and built on it himself.]
Don’t confuse our Heavenly Father with the Berlin Municipal Council. God has a comprehensive knowledge of our sin problem and what sacrifices on His part are necessary to resolve it. He has done everything required and marshaled all the powers needed to accomplish it. Indeed, He has left nothing undone in preparing…and Jesus has left nothing undone in securing our salvation. However shortsighted or incompetent the Church may be in administrating God’s grace, He has delivered everything we need for life and godliness.
Pray with me…Father, I thank you that there is no disappointment in Jesus and that His promises of forgiveness, new life now and eternal life evermore are dependable. I thank you that with You, a thing promised is as good as a thing done. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Pastor Ken
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