Monday, October 1, 2012


It hasn’t been too long ago [2008] that Focus on the Family surveyed Christian leadership couples with thriving marriages to find out some of the things they habitually do, as a couple, that builds their marriage.  If some of the following [in no particular order] habits are missing from your marriage, I encourage you to take the initiative to develop them:

-They schedule a regular time for undistracted [no I-phones, no TV, no I-pads] communication.

-They kiss hello and good-bye.

-They fight fair.  They don’t attack each other.  Rarely do they raise their voices or start sentences with “You never…” or “You always…”

-Their differences compliment.  For instance, the organized and detailed spouse balances the checkbook, while the night owl stays up until the last teenager is home.

-They pray together and look for ways to develop spiritual intimacy.

-They carve out time for regular dates and getaways.

-They encourage each other, concentrating on the positive, not the negative.

-They laugh together.

-They often say, “Please forgive me” and “l love you.”

Now, most reading this will say, “I’ve heard that. I knew that!”  But what we know is never the issue is it?  It is much more important to say, “I do that!”

James 1:22, “ Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.”

Pray with me… Father, thank you for your wisdom that is so easy for us to tap into as we read and meditate on your Word each day.  And thank you too for your wisdom that is not necessarily revealed in a book, chapter and verse in your Word, but is available to us if we ask you in faith, nothing doubting.  Thank you for the way prayer and intimacy with you make us wise for salvation and models of wisdom for those who are watching us, those close to us we are teaching by example.  In the name of Jesus, amen.

Pastor Ken

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