Have you noticed that our lifetime is lived in seasons…and that seasons have a beginning and an ending? Spring gives way to summer, summer to autumn, autumn to winter and winter to spring in a perpetual cycle. Successful farmers have learned how to rotate their crops in order to capitalize on the changing seasons. They plant corn in one field; then when it is out of season, they plow the harvested stalks under and let that field rest. At the same time, they may be busy planting and harvesting alfalfa in another field to make hay for the livestock…and so on.
The Psalmist compared the blessed person to “…A tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he/she does prospers.” [Psalm 1:3]
As we move through the ever-changing seasons of life let’s remember that God is more concerned with the depth of our roots than the height of our branches; more interested in the quality of the life we live than the quantity of our years. As we move from childhood [spring] to adolescence, from adolescence [summer] to adulthood, from adulthood [autumn] to maturity [winter], let’s be sure we submit our wills, make our choices, order our lives…yield the kind of ‘fruit’…that would bring honor and praise to our loving Heavenly Father.
Pray with me… Father God, those who have just read these words are likely in various seasons of life. Convict each of us today that we are daily progressing forward toward the time when we will crossover into a timeless, season-less existence where You dwell in unapproachable light, a day when we will be alone in Your presence to account for the life lived in the flesh. May it be a day of ultimate celebration and endless joy and peace…In Jesus’ name, amen.
Pastor Ken
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