Tuesday, September 8, 2015


For as long as I can remember I have been conflicted about whether I am a prophet or a pastor.  There is one part of me that wants to be in the vanguard…out in front, holding up the standard of God’s Word, calling people to, and rallying people around, that standard.  Then there is another part of me that wants to be in the rearguard…coming along behind, picking up the fallen and helping them recover their feet to be able to move forward in their faith journey.  Years ago, when it came time for me to settle on a major in seminary, I could not resolve the tension.  I had to declare a double major…in preaching, to satisfy the prophetic calling in me…and in counseling, to satisfy the pastoral calling in me. 
But, underpinning both the prophetic call and the pastoral call is an even deeper, more foundational commitment.  It is the commitment to be an evangelist, to win souls, to make disciples, to see people changed by the power of grace, revealed in the cross and the vacated tomb of Jesus Christ, God’s only Son.  What kept me at Ozark Bible/Christian College for 34 years was knowing that year after year we were producing a growing army of global evangelists.  Now, in this season of life, I have been fulfilled by the knowledge that I am serving a local church in Southwest Indiana that is committed to a singular mission…to be Disciples Making Disciples…in our city, in our area, in our nation, in our world.   I am yoked with leaders who are sacrificially investing in the only work that will survive into eternity, serving a church that is giving and stewarding millions of dollars for God’s eternal purpose.  On this Labor Day weekend, I am savoring the deep and abiding joy of doing a work through the church, with like-minded people of faith, that matters in eternity.
Pray with me…Father God, You have entrusted the Gospel message to us, your people…to labor faithfully to rescue your people.  We will!  In the Name of Jesus,  Amen.

Pastor Ken

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