Monday, March 31, 2014


This past week I read a post on Facebook by our son, Kyle Idleman.  It is heart-warming and worth-sharing.

“I asked an 8 year old her favorite thing about God.  Without missing a beat, she went on and on.  Here were the first four things she said word for word:

He loves us no matter what.
He helps us in really hard times.
He sees us even when we are far away and he can still help us.
He gives rich people at church a lot of money so they can give it away to help people all over the world.

Well, there it is.  I might start letting 8 year olds take over my Face- book posting.  Matthew 21:16, “Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked him.  “Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read, ‘From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise’?”

It is so true isn’t it?  We get older, but not necessarily wiser.  We mature in years, but not in humility.  We increase our assets, but we do not enlarge our hearts.  We become more self-assured, but not more self-sacrificing with the passing years.  It is good for us to occasionally ask, “Am I Smarter Than an Eight Year Old?”  Or, do I need to be led by a little child to see God more clearly as a Lover of my soul, an all powerful and ever present Helper in my struggles, a Blesser who blesses you and me to be a blessing to others here, near and far away.

Pray with me… Father, give us the heart of faith so often seen in and heard from believing children.  In Jesus name, amen.

Pastor Ken

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