There is a rather curious command in verse 7 of I Peter 3 that is related to both the domestic health of a marriage and the spiritual health of a husband. “Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.” This is not a difficult verse of scripture to understand. It clearly states that if a husband is inconsiderate and disrespectful of his wife, he will have trouble with his prayer life. His prayers will be hindered. So, how does that happen? I think the clear implication is that God will not hear, nor will He heed, the thoughtless and insensitive husband’s prayers.
No big surprise here. I get this. I am a father with two daughters. Thank the Lord, both of my sons-in-law are gentle men and treat our daughters kindly. But think of it this way: A son-in-law, who is emotionally and verbally abusive of his wife, goes to her father, his father-in-law, to ask for a loan to buy himself a new pick up truck. How do you think that would go over? Listen, if I’m father of a mistreated and discontented wife, I would not give my son-in-law the time of day. He would not get a favor from me; he might get a flogging… I conclude that, as a father with my daughters, I am a lot like God with His daughters!
Bottom line: Any man who treats his wife badly, will definitely answer to her Heavenly Father, and possibly her earthly father. Pray with me…
Father God, We praise you for being vigilant. We praise you for being compassionate. We praise you for being a God who has built Your wrath against sin into this life and the life to come. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Pastor Ken
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