Monday, October 5, 2015


I have an app on my cell phone that I use almost daily.  It is called ONE PLACE.  It is loaded with incredible inspirational content.  It includes a long menu of preachers, Bible expositors and Christian talk show hosts.  I typically feed my mind/soul in the mornings or in the watches of the night when I awaken and can’t get back to sleep.  Some of my personal favorites are James Dobson, Rick Warren, Stuart and Jill Briscoe, Adrian Rodgers, Ravi Zacharias, Ann Graham Lotz, Andy Stanley, Tony Evans, Greg Laurie, Emerson Eggerichs and, of course, Kyle Idleman :0].
I love listening and learning… filling my own uplifted cup so I can fill the uplifted cups of those who depend on me to be a channel of God’s grace and truth to their lives and families.   There are men and women I trust to speak into me.  And there are men and women into whom I am trusted to speak as their pastor teacher. 
But, although I am well fed by the availability of such highly valued resources, I have found that there is no substitute for hearing from God as He speaks directly to my heart when I open His Word and in the times when I open my heart to Him in solitary prayer.  I am sure it is because He has put His name on the line, guaranteeing that He will be found when we seek Him… Jesus said, “For everyone who asks, receives.  Everyone who seeks, finds.  And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” [Luke 11:10] And the letter of James makes it clear, “Come near to God and he will come near to you…” [James 4:8]
Pray with me… Father God, the truth that you desire us, that you love us, that you want to meet with us and communicate to us, is too wonderful for comprehension!  You are our Creator and our Father.  We find all we need in You.  In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Pastor Ken

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